Microsoft To Do analytics

Todocharts update 1

Microsoft To Do analytics

This will be a short of Todocharts , what triggered its development and what the future holds for it.

We created Todocharts to solve a simple problem: provide analytics for Microsoft To Do users.

After spending sometime doing research on whether or not Microsoft provided a tool for this, I found out that I wasn't the only person looking for something like this.

todocharts questions.jpg

I then took the suggestions from those other users that needed an analytics tool for their todos and started building it.

At the moment we are at the first phase of development which includes the following features:

  • Tasks grouped by date

  • A chart to monitor task completion over time

  • Completed task count

Some of the features coming up in the next few weeks include:

  • Using hashtags to organize tasks

  • Email reports

Eventually we would also like to add team features as it was mentioned by multiple Microsoft To Do users.

So if you are interested in checking this out, simply go to and login with your Microsoft account and that's it. No need to register or anything, simply login and get all your analytics on the dashboard.